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Looking good and feeling confident isn’t just for the ladies! These days, guys are stepping up their game and finding ways to boost their looks to keep up with younger competition. It’s all about feeling good in your own skin. That self-assurance plays a crucial role in every aspect of life, whether it’s at work or in personal relationships.

No matter where you’re at on your journey, you might be wondering how to look more masculine. It’s great to explore ways to enhance your appearance, but it’s definitely something to think through thoughtfully.

You have a range of choices, from surgical to non-surgical options, to help you achieve your desired look. While surgical options can create lasting transformations, many men are turning to dermal fillers for their numerous benefits. These non-invasive treatments offer a fantastic way to boost your masculinity without the need for male face surgery.

What is the Masculinization Treatment?

At Contour Clinique, we offer an amazing Masculinization Treatment that serves as a fantastic alternative to traditional facial masculinization surgery. Our approach is non-invasive and utilizes dermal fillers to enhance key features of your face.

If you’re looking to achieve a more masculine face, this treatment is perfect for you! We can help sculpt a stronger side profile and harmonize your facial features to create that defined look you desire. Since everyone’s face is unique, we tailor each package just for you. During your consultation, you can choose from a variety of areas to include in your personalized treatment plan.

So how do you appear more masculine with dermal fillers? Let’s examine the following areas and how they can boost your masculinity:

Temple Filler

Temple fillers are a fantastic way to enhance your masculine facial features. As we age, it’s natural for our temples to lose some volume, which can lead to a hollow look and impact the overall balance of our face. But don’t worry—temple fillers can help restore that lost fullness!

By adding volume to the temple area, your upper face is lifted, which achieves a younger and stronger appearance. Plus, the process is quick and involves minimal downtime, so you can easily return to your daily activities right after.

Under-Eye Filler

Dark circles can give the impression of being worn out or older than you really are. Under-eye fillers can help brighten up that area and diminish those shadows. After your treatment, you’ll walk out looking refreshed and youthful, giving you that well-rested vibe every day. Plus, you can feel confident knowing the results will appear completely natural, simply enhancing your unique features and bringing out your best self!

Cheek Filler

High, well-defined cheekbones contribute to a strong, masculine face. That’s what makes this a great option for men who want to enhance their features or tackle some signs of aging.

Cheek fillers can provide a subtle yet impactful transformation in your appearance. By enhancing the natural structure of your face, it can give your cheeks a boost in definition and volume. Whether you’re looking to refresh your look or simply want to highlight what you already have, cheek fillers might be just what you need!

Chin Filler

If you want a manlier face, a well-defined chin can elevate your natural appearance. This is the ideal treatment for men who feel their chin either lacks definition or is too weak. Chin fillers will add volume to the chin area, leaving you with a balanced and more masculine side profile.

Jawline Filler

One of the most sought-after facial features for men is a strong, chiseled jawline. Like chin fillers, jawline fillers can help sculpt and define your masculine facial features. After the treatment, you’ll notice a fresh transformation, with a side profile that’s sharper and more defined. This option is fantastic for men looking to counteract the signs of aging or simply enhance their natural jawline.

Lip Filler

Though commonly associated with women, lip fillers are one of the more subtle treatment options that are available for men. The end goal is to balance your facial features and add definition to your face, not to create overly full lips. It’s not about changing what you already have but enhancing your appearance in a natural and confident way.

How to appear more masculine with Dermal Fillers

If you are ready to boost your confidence with an enhanced appearance, our Masculinization Treatment is an excellent option.

Starting at $4,599, the pricing for this treatment can and will vary depending on how many units/syringes are used during the treatment. With its nearly instant results, the effects of a masculinization treatment can last up to one year, and the effects of newer dermal fillers (that have deeper injections) can last for up to two years.

Our expert team understands our male clients’ unique goals and needs. Every treatment is tailored to enhance your natural features, while achieving a more masculine contour. We use only the highest quality fillers and the most up-to-date techniques to provide safe, effective, and natural-looking results.

Ready to take the next step? Book your appointment with us today and experience the difference that expert care and personalized treatment can make. We are ready to help you achieve the desired look and confidence you deserve.

Contact Us 727.744.7750